Dynamix uses anti-virus and anti-spam software to control the amount of malicious and distasteful e-mail coming to your inbox.
For virus detection, we make reasonable attempts to control viruses by employing virus scanners. However, we cannot guarantee that viruses will still not pass through our system to your inbox. This is especially the case for viruses that have just been released and has not been included in the virus definitions for our software. We HIGHLY recommend you purchase a virus scanner for your desktop and keep it regularly updated. Some popular anti-virus scanners include Symantec Anti-Virus and McAffe Anti-Virus which can be bought online or in popular electronics stor
For spam detection, we use blacklists, content filtering and an integrated bayesian filtering system to help identify spam. This combination of spam protection removes a large number of spam mail to your inbox. However, like viruses, spammers are constantly inventing ways to get around spam filtering and we cannot guarantee all spam will be stopped prior to reaching your inbox.